New Rembrandt online database

September 21 2012

Image of New Rembrandt online database

Picture: Rembrandt Database

Now this is exciting - a new online database for all things Rembrandt. The new site is a collaboration between the RKD and the Mauritshuis in Holland. It says:

Mission and scope

The Rembrandt Database aims to become the first port of call for research on Rembrandt’s paintings. For this reason The Rembrandt Database collaborates with a large number of institutions in order to add more paintings and more documentation to this website. Our objective is not to present a final set of data, but to develop and grow continually, especially as more documentation becomes available through new research and collaboration with new partners. The Rembrandt Database does not intend to stand on its own but rather to interface with resources already in existence or still emerging.

The Rembrandt Database is not a research project: it does not produce documentation itself, nor does it make attributions. Instead, it presents the various – current and former – findings in this area, together with their sources, and provides a platform for the presentation of new interpretations.

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