It's official - Banksys are national treasures

February 24 2013

Image of It's official - Banksys are national treasures

Picture: AFP

The recent hoo-ha over a 'lost' piece of Banksy graffiti has been a masterclass in how to generate free publicity. Did the lady above have nothing better to do, or was she paid to hold up that ridiculous sign? The latest news is that the US auction of the bit of wall has been cancelled. In the meantime we've seen politicians intervening, calling for the return of our 'heritage'. If the sale of Henry Moore's Old Flo aroused such passion, there wouldn't be any question of Tower Hamlets council trying to flog the thing. 

Regular readers won't be surprised to read that I'm mystified by the whole thing. For some years now I've seen Banksys in conservation studios. They seem to fall apart quite quickly. 

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