'Finding Van Dyck'
June 19 2013
Picture: Philip Mould & Co.
If you want to know all about how to tell the difference between a real Van Dyck and a copy, or indeed a studio work, then the catalogue for our 2011 Van Dyck exhibition is now online.
Update - a reader writes:
I like your blog and your wit
I have nothing against an internet catalogue, but why publish an e-catalogue for your new exhibition "Rediscovering Van Dyck" if nearly half of the photographs when you browse it online are missing due to copyright problems?
The exhibition was in 2011. All the photos were of course published in the original printed catalogue. This sold out promptly, and we felt that it might be useful to put the catalogue online. However, although we had paid handsomely for the right to reproduce photos in the printed catalogue, many institutions wanted an eye-waterginly high additional fee for publishing online, even in low resolution. Some refused altogether. So there are some gaps. Quick Googling will take you to the images in question (which shows how daft much of this rights and permission businesss is.)