Canalettos return to Warwick Castle
November 4 2013
Picture: Adam Busiakiewicz
Here's a clever thing - Warwick Castle has borrowed, from Birmingham Museum, two Canalettos which used to hang at the castle. They were sold off 35 years ago when the 8th Earl of Warwick sold the castle to Madame Tussauds. Many of the pictures were sold seperately.
There was an outcry when the castle was sold to Tussauds, but on my visits there I've always found it well run, and busy. And it's good to see a (gasp) 'commercial' owner taking an interest in such things as 18th Century landscape art. The pictures are on display throughout November. In the picture above, former Warwick Castle employee Adam Busiakiewicz, whose idea the loan was, admires Canaletto's Warwick Castle, the East Front, (which, the ArtFund website tells me, was bought by Birmingham Museum for £275,000 in 1978).