Kid plays with sculpture horror!
January 28 2014
Picture: Stephanie Theodore/ABC News
Much indignation on Twitter at the above prents, who let their child play with a sculpture by Donald Judd at Tate Modern. Stephanie Theodore, a gallery owner who witnessed the event and took the above photo, Tweeted:
Holy crap. Horrible kids, horrible parents.
To which we might add, 'horrible sculpture'.
Update - a reader writes:
Strangely, I saw that Donald Judd sculpture a few days ago and thought that interspersing the blocks with people would be a marked improvement. Little did I know that my thoughts had such power.
Update II - another reader adds:
please do not diminish your position by having a "Munnings" style rant about Judd !!
you know perfectly well that the man is a god in the eye of many, some of them as well educated and brung-up as you !
Yikes. I'd never heard of him. Truly.
Update III - A reader further educates me:
You may not notice but you see the influence of Donald Judd's sculpture in almost every shop you go into. From the boxes you walk round to the shelves on the wall. You've seen copies of his work probably without even realizing it.