
January 11 2016

Image of Errata!

Picture: RA

King of all things pastel, Neil Jeffares, has posted a list of errata for the new Royal Academy/Scottish National Galleries exhibition on Liotard. It's quite, er, long. Moral of the story: when writing a catalogue like this, make sure you share the text widely pre-publication.

Update - a reader writes:

Once again Mr. Jeffares has done a great service to art history.      I suggest that the extensive errata to the Liotard  exhibition catalogue be posted in several sites that might come up in future searches lest some well meaning but misguided student or writer consider this catalogue an authoritative source. 

The Errata could go to Google Books, Amazon in the form of a review stating that the volume contains numerous errors of fact, for publication in The Burlington Magazine or Apollo, and should be included with each future sale of the volume and to those who purchased it mail or online previously.   Any art bibliographies mentioning the catalogue should include a reference to the Errata list.    The list could be sent to all future purchasers of the R&L et al catalogue raisonne.     

Additionally, any articles or books regarding Liotard published subsequently should include in the text and in the bibliography a statement that this catalogue contains numerous inaccuracies and that an list of Errata list is available. 

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