A free Hockney for everyone!
February 2 2017

Picture: The Sun
Tomorrow's Sun newspaper will contain a 'free Hockney' for everyone. The great man has doodled on the masthead. And that's it.
Update - a reader writes:
At last, a reason to buy The Sun.
Update II - here's some wonderful Guff from Jonathan Jones in The Guardian:
Hockney has let the light in on the Sun. He has transformed the bold, brassy title that glares from newsagents into an optimistic vision of the world’s beauty. His drawing reminds us of the joy of living on a planet warmed by that yellow star. As he prepares for the opening of his retrospective at Tate Britain, he must be reflecting warmly on the achievements of his life, for this perky drawing manages to distill the utopian essence of his greatest works.