Yale Uploads 10k Images to Google
April 17 2020
Picture: Yale Centre for British Art
Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:
The Yale Centre for British Art have uploaded a further 10,000 images of their collection to Google Arts & Culture. This is probably one of the best digital resources available at the moment and allows you to zoom right into the craquelure of paintings. The high resolution of images is breathtaking.
As the centre's Director Courtney J. Martin explains;
The Yale Center for British Art is proud to expand its collection offerings in partnership with Google Arts & Culture and in support of Yale University’s ambitious Open Access Policy, which seeks to enhance access to the collections in the museums, archives, and libraries for students, faculty, and the world.
As one of the earliest university museums to join this pioneering initiative in 2011, we are pleased to know that the museum draws global audiences who can see and experience the largest collection of British Art outside of the United Kingdom and contextualize these works within the broader scope of art history.
Digitising collections can make discoveries possible too. As a short aside, here is a portrait by Daniel Mytens that I spotted a few weeks ago in the Utah Museum of Fine Arts's database catalogued as A Cavalier of the Stuart Court (left). After posting the unidentified picture on Twitter Edward Town (Head of Collections and Information at Yale) replied within 24 hours identifying the picture with another version formerly with Weiss Gallery identified as Darcy Conyers, 1st Earl of Holderness (right).