Lecture: Reframing the Renaissance

March 16 2021

Image of Lecture: Reframing the Renaissance

Picture: The National Gallery

Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:

The British School at Rome are hosting a fascinating sounding free online lecture entitled Reframing the Italian Renaissance at the National Gallery.

According to the event's blurb:

This conversation will examine the physical reframing of Italian Renaissance panels at the National Gallery undertaken by Peter Schade, Head of Framing and his colleagues. The speakers will discuss the motivations behind reframing, the research required to select an appropriate frame and the intended affect. In the final part of this talk reframing will be considered in relation to how artworks move into new display contexts.

The conversation will be broadcast on 17th March 2021 at 6pm (Rome time). It is free to attend although registration is required.

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