Create Your Own Virtual Exhibition
March 19 2021

Picture: Occupy White Walls
Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:
The Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery have teamed up with a new 'art-focused sandbox game' called Occupy White Walls, which allows users to create their own virtual exhibitions. The gallery is the first major art institution to hand over hundreds of images from its collection to allow players to create their ideal virtual art gallery.
As the above article explains:
Want a river coursing through a velvet-walled gallery? Not a problem; take your pick from 2,300 architectural assets. Fancy putting Leonardo Da Vinci’s “Salvator Mundi” in contentious conversation with his “Mona Lisa”? Why not throw in the game’s 11 other Leonardos, or any of the platform’s more than 17,000 artworks that resonate for that matter?
Linda Spurdle, the museum's digital development manager, is also quoted saying:
“We talk a lot about getting younger and more diverse audiences involved. Occupy White Walls is a next step. We want people to use our artwork creatively. If people want to build art galleries and exhibitions, go ahead, use our art.
A wonderful idea, it seems, to alleviate the utter boredom of lockdown. But I for one can't wait to leave my screens behind and go and see some beautiful objects made by human hands.