More Tudor stuff

December 16 2011

Image of More Tudor stuff

Picture: Royal Collection

Thanks for all your feedback from the Anne Boleyn post yesterday. It's interesting that although we first published the research in 2006, it made little wider impact, mainly I suppose because it never went online (and because the news story publicising it is behind The Times paywall). These days, unless something is online, it doesn't really happen! 

So, now I'm going to publish some more of our Tudor research online. And this time we're going hardcore. Below the jump is the full transcribed inventory of Catherine Howard's jewels, from the manuscript in the British Library. It's a great resource for anyone interested in the period. We commissioned the transcription from Tudor historian extraordinaire Alasdair Hawkyard, and it was first published in our exhibition catalogue for 'Lost Faces: Identity & Discovery in Royal Tudor Portraiture'. It now goes online for the first time. The inventory was compiled by Nicholas Bristowe, who was clek of the King's wardrobes.

Why is the inventory useful for art historians? Because it may allow us to identify Catherine's portrait, long a source of contention. Above is a miniature by Holbein in the Royal Collection. Its early history is uncertain, but when it was first certainly recorded in the Royal Collection in c.1837, it was called Catherine. It was engraved by Houbraken as her in 1743. Earlier than that and we have no certain reference to it. In the later 20th Century the identity was questioned, and dropped. Then David Starkey, in his Six Wives of Henry VIII, resurrected the idea based on the inventory of Catherine's jewels. David was guest Curator of our Lost Faces exhibition, and so we decided to publish the full inventory.

Each of the jewels seen in the miniature can be found in the inventory. For example, on her head her French hood is trimmed with the 'upper habulyment of Goldesmytheswerke ennamuled and garneshed with vij ffeyr daimondes vij ffeir rubyes and vij ffeyr Perles' which is the first item listed in the inventory.  On her  bossom, over a translucent chemise, she wears a shaped necklace called a square 'conteynyng xxix rubyes and xxix clustres of Peerlles being iiij peerlles in every Clustre'  and an 'ooche [that is a pendant] of golde hauyng averey ffeir table diamond and a verey feir ruby with a long peerle hangyng at the same'.

Coincidence? The same argument has been used to identify the full-length portrait of Katherine Parr in the National Portrait Gallery, which had previously been called Jane Grey. All the jewels seen in that portrait are in the inventory of Katherine Parr's jewels. The Royal Collection online catalogue is still cautious about the attribution of the miniature, however, citing the uncertain early provenance of the work, and the possibility that royal jewels were lent to other ladies at court, who may have been painted by Holbein wearing them. Jewels were indeed lent, but I find it hard to accept that a lady-in-waiting, say, would scoop the jackpot with an entire outfit of royal loans of such importance and value - and then have the impertinence to be seen wearing the King's jewels. As you can see from the inventory below, those royal jewels that were sent out to ladies of the court tend to be the lesser ones. Also, there is something decidedly queenly about the miniature above - in fashion, jewels and approach it is far more sumptuous that any other Holbein miniature of a lady at court. So, for me, she's Catherine Howard. What do you think?  

[If on the homepage, click 'Read on' for the full inventory].

BL, Stowe 559, ff. 55-68

[This transcript attempts to convey the layout of the original document. Additions in a different hand made by Nicholas Bristowe (or his staff) appear in italic.]

f. 55]

Hereafter ensueth certeyn Juelles of sundry natures giuen by the kinges Majestie unto Quene Katheryne his most derest wif at the tyme of the solemnisation of Their graces marriages: and delyvered in charge by his graces commaundment by Nicholas Bristowe his hignes clercke to Anne Herbert saufly to kepe the same: mense Julij anno regni dicti domini Regis xxxijdo

All which Juelles the said Mrs Harbert redelyvered in to thandes and custody of Mrs Tyrwyt at Ampthill at the kinge being there in September anno regni sui xxxijdo and afterwarde in december dicti anno xxijdo at hamptoncourte the kinges grace being there the said Mrs Tyrwyt ageyn redelyvered all the Juelles herafter ensuyng in to thandes chaulf custody and charge of the seid Mrs Harbert who is charged with the same Juelles by this booke



1 First an upper habulyment of Goldesmytheswerke ennamuled and garnesshed with vij ffeyr daimondes vij ffeir rubyes and vij ffeyr Perles/

2 Item annether habulyment of Goldesmythes werke garnesshed with viij ffeir diamondes viij ffeir Rubyes and xvj peerles/

3 Item the Turnyng up of the foresaid habulymentof goldesmythes worke garnesshed with xj diamondes and lij Rubyes/

4 Item another upper habulymnet conteyning or garenesshed with xviij diamondes Tablettes/ and Cxiiij feir peerlles standing by vj machistes one of the stones altreth in setting/

N Bristowe


f. 55v]

Yet habulimentes

5 Item an nother upper habulyment garnesshed with viij feire diamondes ix rubyes and xxxij Peerlles

6 Item an other upper habulyment conteignyng Cv ffeir peerlles/ and xxij ffeir Rubyes

7 Item an other upper habulyment contignyng iiiixx x peerlles and xix peces of Goldesmytheswerke/

8 Item a nether habulyment conteyning Cxij peerlles set lyke True loves with liiij beades of golde black ennamuled

N Bristowe


Hablimentes given by the kinges grace at Hamptoncourte at newe yerestyde anno xxxijdo domini Regis

9 Item one upper habulyment conteignyng vij diamondes and vij Rubyes/

10 Item a turnyng up of the same habulyment conteignyng ix diamondes and lv rubyes

11 Item anether habulyment conteignyng ix diamondes ix rubyes/ and xix peerlles/ and also iiij diamondes and xij rubyes in the Cheke of the same habulyment

N Bristowe


f. 56]

Squares & Carcanes

1 ffirst one Carcane for the neck of Goldesmytheswerke wherein is set in golde 

vj verey feir table diamondes and v verey ffeire Rubyes and betwixt every of the same stones is two feire Peerlles conteignyng in the whole – xxiiij/

2 Itme one Square of Goldesmytheswerke conteignyng xxvij table diamondes and xxvj Cluster of peelles being vj in every Cluster

3 Item one Square conteynyng xxix rubyes/ and xxix clustres of Peerlles being iiij peerlles in every Clustre/

4 Item one other Square conteignyng iiiixx xj feire large peelles only

Margin: [T]he goldesmythesworke of [th]e said two Squares [i]s put in to broken golde [b]y the quene

4 Item one other Square conteignyng xxxix peces of Golde smytheswerke/ and 

xxxix peerlles/

Item one other Square conteignyng xxij peces of Goldesmythes worke ennamuled blewe/ and xlviij peerled by twoes/

5 Item one Carcane conteignyng vj feir table diamondes & v rubyes set in golde/ and xij ffeire peerlles hangyng in the same

6 Item one other Carcane conteignyng x verey feir diamondes set in Goldesmythes wercke/ and xij Cluster of peerles lykeyse set being iiij in every Cluster in toto in peerles xliiijti

7 Item one other Carcane for the necke conteignyng thre verey ffeire diamondes/ three verey feire Emeraldes and set in Goldesmytheswerke with xx feire peerles in the same by two peerlles betwixt every stone/

N Bristowe


f. 56v] 

8 Item one other Carcan for the necke conteignyng vij Rubyes and vi Peerles all set in Goldesmytheswerke/

Margin: x of the same diamondes set in a Sipher by the quene which the king hath taken in to his handes mense novembris anno regni sui xxxiij

9 Item one Partelet or collor conteignyng xvj diamondes xx Rubyes/ and lxv peerles/ all set in Goldesmythesworke ennamuled hauyng a verey small Cheyne of golde upon thedge of the same

10 Item one other carcane for the neck of Goldesmythesworke conteignyng vij diamondes and vj Rubyes the golde ennamuled blewe betwixt every stone/

N Bristowe


Given by the king at hamptoncourte at newe yerestyde anno xxxijdo domini Regis

11 Item one Square conteignyng xxxiij diamondes and lx rubyes with an Edge of peerll conteignyng – cxxiij

N Bristowe


f. 57]

Stones & Perlles

1 Item two laces conteignyng xvij ffeir table diamondes and Clviij ffeir peerles

2 Item two other laces conteignyng xxxi Table Rubyes and vjxx xvi ffeir peerlles/

3 Item one lace conteignyng xix ffeir diamondes set in goldesmythewerke betwixt every of theym a Cluster of peerles of vij perles the pece in the whole – Cxl peerles

4 Item vij small diamondes and viij small rubyes all set in a long pece of goldesmytheswerke ennamuled blewe & grene and xiiij peerles lykwys set upon the same goldesmtheswerke all tyed upon a lase of Sylke/

5 Item xvj diamondes set in goldesythesworke/ the worke all of one fasshon the stones of dyvers sortes/ being loose/

6 Item two litle Table diamondes set in lenger peces of goldesmythesworcke/

7 Item oone Rubye set in goldesmythesworcke in alonge pece/

viij Item one other pece of goldesmythesworcke wherin is two rock rubyes and one peerle/

9 Item xviij peces of goldesmythesworcke in every wherof are two peerlles set/

10 Item two roopes of peerles conteignyng both together lxv feir peerles and oone litle pece of goldesmytheswerke betwixt every of theym

11 Item iiij Roopes of feir large perle conteignyng in the whole/ Cclij

12 Item oone roope of smaller perle conteignyng – iiijxx x perles

13 Item two laces of meane peerll in bignes conteignyng both together – Cxxxvij peerlles

N Bristowe


f. 57v]

Gyven to the quene at hampton courte by the kinges grace mense decembris anno regni sui xxxijdo

14 Item one rope of ffeyre large peerll conteyning – cc peerlles

N Bristow


Given to the quene at hamptocourte by the kinges grace mense Januarij anno xxxviijdo Regni sui

15 Item a mufler of black veluet furred with Sabilles conteignyng xxxviij    rubyes/ and vclxxij peerlles/ betwixt euery rowe certeyn small cheynes of golde/ with also a cheyne to hang the same mufler by conteignyng xxx peerlles

N Bristow


broochis oochis Crosses & hachis

1 Item oone ffeire Brooche of Golde ennamuled with white havyng abordre of antique boyes about the same with a verey ffeir square diamonde holden by aman whose coote and bootes are ennamuled with blewe/ and a king crowned with acepter in his hande at thone end thereof/ and v persones mo standing behynde the same with scriptures ouer their heddes with the kinges wordes undre the said brooche/

2 Item oone other Brooche of Golde ennamuled with black hauyng iiij naked men and a child stering a pott in which brooche are ix diamondes whereof thre be ffeire and threst but small/

3 Item oone other Brooche of golde ennamuled with black hauyng iij persones one of them being a woman with a bowe and an arrowe/ and v ffeir diamondes set in the same/ and oone rubye/

4 Item oone othe Brooche of Golde ennamuled wherein is a woman and a naked boy with a verey ffeir diamond

Margin: The same brooch geuen by the quene to the lady Surre

4 Item one othe Brooche of golde ennamuled black wherin is awoman and two Children of Camewe with vj verey small diamondes & xij verey small rubyes/

Margin: The same brooche geuen by the quene to the lady Elysabeth the kynges dowghter

4   Item oone other Brooche of Golde wherin is set an antique hed of agate vj very small Rubyes/ and vj verey small Emeraldes litle thing worthe

N Bristowe


f. 58v]

5 Item an Ooche of Golde wherin is a feir poynted diamonde and a verey feir ruby/ with averey feir peerle hangyng at the same/

6 Item oone other Ooche of Golde wherin is averey feir large ruby and a rounde diamond with a verey feir peerle hangyng at the same/

vij Item oone other ooche of golde hauyng averey ffeir table diamond and a verey feir ruby with a long peerle hangyng at the same/

8 Item one other ooche of Golde hauyng a verey feir table diamond and a ruby with a feir lose peerle to hange at the same/

9 Item oone other Ooche of golde ennamuled conteignyng one verey feir ballas and oone Emeralde with averey ffeir peerle hangyng at the same/

10 Item oone other ooche of golde conteignyng two verey ffeir rubyes/ and a verey feir Emeralds with averey feir perle hangyng at the same

Margin: without ffoyle

11 Item oone other ooche of golde conteignyng averey feir Emeralde holden by two antiquez/ and a ffeir diamond/ with a feir perle hangyng at the same/

12 Item one other ooche of Golde ennamuled conteignyng one rubye/ one Emeralde/ and one diamond all verey ffeir/ with a verey feir perle hangyng at the same/

13 Item oone other ooche of golde ennamuled white & red conteignyng two Emeraldes/ and a feyer perle hangyng at the same/

N Bristowe


f. 59]

Yet oochis crosses hachis & other Juells

Margin: with one ffoyles

14 Item one other oche of golde conteignyng one diamonde/ one Emeralde/ and one ruby/ with thre peerles hanging at the same/

15 Item one other ooche of golde wherin is averey ffeir diamond holden by two antiquez personz with averey ffeir peerle hangyng at the same/


16 Item one Crosse of golde conteignyng v diamondes whereof two be poynted/ and threst squared/ hauyng also averey feir greate peerle hanging at the same/

17 Item one other Crosse of Golde ennamuled conteignyng v feir Table diamondes/ and one other verey feir lozenged diamond undre the same v/ with iiij verey feire peerlles hanging at the same in one Cluster/

18 Item oone other verey feir Crosse of golde conteignyng iiij verey feir large  diamondes in acrosse/ with thre verey feir large peerlles hanging at the same/

19 Item oone other ffeir Crosse of golde conteignyng xij verey feir diamondes without any other addition/


20 Item oone Hache of golde ennamuled blacke hauyng a verey ffeir Emeralde and a verey feir perle hanging at the same/

21 Item oone other hache of golde wherein is vj feir diamondes whereof iiij be table diamondes/ and two be poynted & a feir Emeralde in the myddes therof with also thre feir peerles hanging at the same/

N Bristowe


f. 59v]

Jehus & and other fflowers with a Ship & Rynges

Margin: Jehus

22 Item a Jehus of Golde garnesshed throughoute with diamondes That is to say xxxv peces greate and small/

23 Item one other Jehus of golde ennamuled conteignyng one Rubye/ xxiij diamondes/ and thre small Emeraldes with thre feir perles hanging at the same/

24 Item one fflower of golde being a rose of diamondes conteignyng xxij diamondes and thre peerlles hanging at the same/

25 Item one other fflower being a rose of diamondes conteignyng xv diamondes in peces/

26 Item a Ship of golde saylyng conteignyng one feir rubye in two ffysshes mouthes/ and xxix diamondes greate and small in the same Ship with affeir peerle hanging at the same/

27 Item oone ffloweer of golde conteignyng one ffeire ruby two ffeir diamondes/ and one feire Emeralde lozenged holden by two white birdes/ the same flower being crowned with xv diamondes in the same with also thre verey feir peerles hanging in the same/

28 Item one fflower deluce of golde conteignyng v ffeir diamondes/ with also affeir peerll hanging at the same/

29 Item xvj Rynges of golde in xj whereof be set xj diamondes in iiij/ be set iiij Rubyes/ and in one of them is an Emeralde

N Bristowe


f. 60]

Margin: Gyven by the king at the More mense Octobris anno regni sui xxxijdo

30 Item one broche of golde conteignyng xxxv small diamondes and xviij rubyes with thre persones and two horses in the same being the story of Noye

Margin: Gyven by the kyng at Hamptoncourte at Cristmasse anno xxxijdo

31 Item a Jehus of golde conteignyng xxxij diamondes hauyng thre peerlles hanging at the same/

32 Item a fflower of Golde wherein is a ffeyer diamond/ and thre feyer peerlles hanging at the same/

N Bristow


f. 60v]



f. 61]


Margin: pro h 

1 Item one Gurdell of goldesmytheswercke conteignyng xij diamondes and xij Rubyes with xxiiij peces of goldesmyth eswerke blacke ennamuled with litle prickes white ennamuled

Margin: pro h 

2 Item one Gurdell of Goldesmytheswerke conteignyng xvij ffeir ballazes and xvij Clusters of peerles being iiij in every Cluster/

Margin: pro h 

but xxiij diamondes

3 Item one other Gurdell of Goldesmytheswerke conteignyng xxxiiij diamondes poynted Tabled lozenged and squared of divers fashons set in golde/ with lxv peerlles/ viz betwixt every stone two peerles set in goldesmythesworke/

Margin: vacat pro tempore

4 Item one other Gurdell of goldesmythesworke conteignyng v verey ffeir Rooses of diamondes/ and two table diamondes lozenged/ and one rock Rubye

with xx large peerlles set in goldesmytheswerke by twoes

5 Item one other Gurdell of golde conteignyng xj pillors in euery pillor ix peerlles/ and lx lynkes of golde enna/ muled black furnesshed with rubyes/ that is to say one lynke hauyng two rubyes/ and another iiij rubyes and at eche ende of the same Gurdell is two other pillors square one with a whooke/ in which two pillors is vij rubyes/ hauyng also a bell of golde full furnesshed with rubyes/ That is to say xviij Rubyes/ with a great peerle upon the Top of the same/ and divers ffeir peerlles hanging in the bottome/

6 Item one Gurdell of golde conteignyng xviij lynkes of one sorte ennamuled grene and red and Cvij lynkes of golde ennamuled with divers collors hauyng abuttone of golde at thonende and ahook at thother

N Bristowe


f 61v]

Yet Gurdilles

vii Item oone Gurdell of golde conteignyng xii peces of one sorte and euery of the sames peces is vj Turquezes in the whole – lxxij Turquezes/ and in euery of the same peces is thre Rubyes in the whole – xxxvj rubyes/ and xxiiij peces of another fashon in euery pece being xv peerles small in the whole – iijclx perles/ with a buttone of golde wherein is two antiquemen and one woman white the same garnesshed with xiiij rocke rubyes and xv Turquezes/ hauyng also divers Tasselles of Peerll and small cheynes of golde/

8 Item one Gurdell of Goldesmytheswerke conteignyng xj diamondes ix Rubyes and xl peerlles by twoes betwyxt euery stone/

Margin: The same given by the quene to the lady Baynton at neweyerestyde anno xxxijdo domini regis for one gurdill

Item one Gurdell of Goldesmytheswerke conteignyng viij peces of one sorte and xv of another

Item oone other Gurdell of Goldesmythewerke conteignyng xi of one sorte and x of another

9 Item one other Gurdell of Goldesmytheswerke conteignyng xiij pypes and xiij doble cheynes of golde/ hauyng abuttone of golde ennamuled with dyvers small cheynes of golde hanging at it/

10 Item one other Gurdell of golde conteignyng xiij pypes and xiij cheynes of golde being doble & ennamuled white hauyng abuttone of golde ennamuled wherat hangeth dyvers small cheynes of golde with litle blewe knoppes/

11 Item oone other Gurdell of golde conteignyng xvj pypes of one fashon ennamuled and xvj of another ennamuled tyed together with lynkes of golde hauyng also abuttone of golde ennamuled/ with thre litle peerles/ and diuers small cheynes of gold hangyng at the the same

N Bristowe


f. 62]

Margin: Geven by the king at the More mense Octobris anno xxxijdo

12 Item oone Gurdell of Goldesmythewercke conteignyng xxiiij diamondes Tabled/ and xxiiij feir peerles

13 Item oone Gurdell of Goldesmytheswercke conteignyng xj rock rubyes and xxiij ffeir peerlles

N Britowe


14 Item oone Gurdell of golde whereof parte ar pomegarnettes parte pillors squared and parte ragged staves fully furnesshed with small rubyes and small diamondes hauyng a Tassell of peerlles


N Bristowe


Given by the king at Hamptoncourte at neweyeres tyde anno xxxijdo dicti domini Regis

Margin: pro b 

15 Item one Gurdell of Golde conteignyng x diamondes xj rubyes/ and xxij peces of Goldesmytheswerke betwixte every stone/ one pece/


f. 62v]



f. 63]



1 Item oone peir of Beades of golde and agathe/ that is to say xxvj beadestones of golde ennamuled/ and xxiiij longstones of agathe at their endes garnesshed with golde and every agathe hath peerles hangyng at hym/ with also a pillor of golde ennamuled hauyng within the same pillor our Lady holdinge our Lorde and one litle peerle hangyng in the/ top of the same/ with affeir Tassell of fyne venice golde and diuers verey small peerlle vpon the same/

2 Item oone other peir of Beades whereof lvj beades be of golde and vj thereof be greater than threst/ and lvj feir large peerlles/ hauyng also a Tassell of venice golde/

3 Item oone other peir of Beades of Exilia conteignyng lxvj/ That is to say: vj greater than threst/ garnesshed with golde and amell/ hauyng a crosse of gold wherin is a pece of woode/

4 Item oone peir of Beades of agathe garnesshed with golde conteignyng xj betwixt every bead one peerle in the whole xij peerles/ hangyng therat a crosse of golde with the Crucifix on thone syde/ and our Lady holding our Lorde on thothersyde/ hauyng also a Tassell of golde/ and vj small peerlles hanging at the Crosse/

5 Item oone other peir of Beades of Sanguinaries garnesshed with golde/ and ennamuled/ conteignyng viij of the same beades/ betwixt euery of theym there 

is two litle roundestones set in golde/ hauyng at thonende of theym a pillor

wrethed one abought another of blewe and purple ennamuled/ and thother ende affeir tassell of golde garnesshed with peerles/

N Bristowe


f. 63v]

Yet Beades

6 Item one peir of Beades of Golde ennamuled with Jes conteignyng of that sorte xix/ one of the jes is lacking/ and of another sorte vj with scriptures and garnesshed with red stones/ and betwixt euery of the same stones is alitle blewestone of golde smytheswercke/ hauyng also a Tassell of venice golde garnesshed with red stones/

7 Item oone peir of beades of white antiqueheddes garnesshed with golde with golde conteignyng xx/ and two of goldesmytheswerke of the other fasshon ennamuled set with red stones lyke rubyes/ hauyng affeir pillor of golde garnesshed with small peerles and small stones with also our Lorde our Lady and Seint John baptest/ and also a ffeir Tassell of purple Sylke and golde garnesshed with red stones/

8 Item oone peir of Beades of Blewestones called Lapis Lazarus fashoned lyke pottes garnesshed with golde/ that is to say of that sorte xxxti/ and of an other sorte being golde ennamuled with white and scriptures vj/ hauyng also a Tassell of venice golde with small beades of golde betwixt euery of the said xxxti/

9 Item oone other peir of Beades of blewestone lykewyse called Lapis Lazarus garnesshed with golde and euery of theym hauyng peerlles being of that sorte xxx/ and xxx beades of goldesmytheswercke of an other sorte ennamuled white/ hauyng a pillor of golde ennamuled blewe aand wrethed and vij verey small peerlles of the same sorte thise wordes/ Spes mea &c/ with also atassell of venice golde garnesshed with verey small peerles

N Bristowe


f. 64]

Yet Beades

10 Item one peire of Beades of grene glasse garnesshed with golde being of that sorte xxix/ and betwixt euery of them oone perle and one pece of goldesmythesworcke/ and x other stones of golde// smytheswercke ennamuled grene and garnesshed with rubyes hauyng also a pillor made of two grenestones and two peces of goldesmytheswercke and iiij peerlles garnesshed also with stones/ and also afeir Tassell of golde and red Sylke garnesshed with a call of peerle/

11 Item oone peire of beades of purple stones garnesshed with golde being xxx/ betwixt euery of them two litle beades of golde and vj greate beades of golde ennamuled/ hauyng also two tassellles of golde garnesshed with pretye peerle/

Margin: The same beades geven by the quene to the lady Elysabeth the kynges dowghter

Item oone peire of beades of purple stones garnesshed with golde being xxx/ betwixt euery of theym two litle beades of golde and vj greate beades of golde and vj greate beades of golde ennamuled/ hauyng also two tasselles of golde garenesshed with prety peerl/

Item oone other peir of Beades of golde/ that is to say/ x longe stones ennamuledwith white and garnesshed with peerle & redstones every of theym hauyng peerlles/ and x other stones ennamuled with blewe like cuppes/ hauyng also a pillor garnesshed with peerll and redstones/ and a buttone of golde and diuers small Cheynes of golde with black knoppes/

12 Item oone peir of Beades of Redstones conteignyng ix of them being garnesshed with golde/ and euery of them hauyng peerlles/ and betwixt them euery of them one beade of golde/ smytheswercke ennamuled/ and one peerll betwyxt every stone/ hauyng a pillor of golde at thende of the same wherin is a redstone and aman grauen upon the same an thonesyde of the same pillor/ and Adam and Eve of goldesmythesworcke on thother syde/ the same pillor garnesshed with verey small diamondes and rubyes lackyng thre stones

N Bristowe


f. 64v]

Yet Beades

13 Item oone peir of Beades of blewestones garnesshed with golde/ that is to say of the same stones xxijti and of goldesmytheswerke vj being ennamuled betwixt euery beade two litle redstones set in golde/ hauyng also a Tassell of venice golde/

14 Item oone other peir of Beades of red stones whereof xxxiij be set in golde lyke the fasshon of an hower Clocke/ and xlij set in goldesmytheswerck of bothendes/ and viij other Beades of golde of an other fasshon garnesshed with litle blewestones and ennamuled blacke and hauyng also a Tassell of venice golde/

15 Itme oone peir of Beades of Currall and blewe amell conteignnyng xxxij/ betwixt euery of them one litle pece of goldesmytheswerke ennamuled blewe/ and viij greate beades of golde ennamuled hauyng also a Tassell of venice golde/

16 Item oone peir of beades of purplestones being of them lxvij betwixt euery of them one pece of goldesmytheswerke ennamuled/ and viij feir beades ennamuledwhite blewe & grene with also a Tassell of venice golde/

Margin: The same peir of beades even by the Quene to the Lady Carew late Mrs Borrysageynst her Marriage

Item one peir of beades of Cristall garnesshed with golde being of them xl/ betwixt euery of them a pece of golde/ smytheswerke/ and viij beades of golde ennamuled blewe and set with stones/ hauyng also a pillor of Cristall with aman of golde in the same/ & with a tassell of venice golde/

N Bristowe



f. 65]

Yet Beades

17 Item oone peir of Beades of purplestones being of them xlviij betwixt euery of them a beade of golde/ and v greate beades of golde ennamuled/ hauyng also a Tassell of venice golde the buttone set with peerle/

18 Item oone peir of Beades of Golde hauyng Maydonsffaces being one fasshon lxiii/ and a larger sorte viij with lyke faces/ and one other Beade of golde of another fasshon/ hauyng also a ffeir Tassell of venice golde garnesshed with peerle/

peires of Beades - xxli

N Bristowe


Margin: Gyven by the kyng at More mense Octobris anno xxxijdo

19 Item oon peir of Beades of Currall garnesshed with golde and lytle peerles hanging at theym being of those beades xxxij/ and vj greate beades of golde ennamuled and with scriptures garnesshed with redstones hauyng also a Tassell of venice golde and peerle at thende/

Margin: Sent to the lady of Rutland for a Tokyn

Item a peir of beades of mother of peerll garnesshed with golde

20 Item one peir of beades of whole currall being of that sorte xlviij and viij of golde ennamuled/

Margin: Geven by the kynge at Otland mense decembris anno xxxijdo

The same Beades geven bythe quene to the Lady margaret Doglas at new yerestyde anno domini Regis reseruyng the said pillor with his grace

Item one peir of beades of lyke white conteignyng lvj/ and of golds stones ennamuled viij with a pillor of golde iij squares with an antique face in every square garnesshed with lite turquires and rubyes

N Bristowe


f. 65v]



f. 66]


1 Itme oone Cheyne conteignyng xiiij peces of goldesmyhes wercke wherin are sett xiiij diamondes and xiiij rubyes and xxvij other peces of goldesmythes worcke longe & ennamuled with blacke/ tying to euery of them oone peerle. that is to say xiiij peerlles in the same Cheyne/

Margin: This cheyne to written lastly b

pro b 

2 Item oone othe Cheyne conteiging xix peces of golde smythesworcke rounde ennamuled black/ and xviij Clusters of peerlles set in golde that is to say v peerlles in every Cluster/

Margin: pro b 

3 Item oone Cheyne of golde conteignyng x pillors of golde being in every pillor thre rubyes/ xx peces of golde lyke longe peares ennamuled blewe and blacke/ and x peces of golde lyke a Salte being upon every of them thre peerlles conteigning in the whole xxx peerlles/

margin: pro b 

4 Item oone other Cheyne of golde conteignyng x pillors of golde being in every pillor thre diamondes/ xx peces of goldes lyke longe peares ennamuled blacke/ and x peces of golde lyke a Salte being upon every of them thre peerlles conteignyng in the whole xxx peerlles/

Margin: pro l 

5 Item oone other Cheyne of golde conteignyng xxiiij peces of golde/ In xij peces of whereof is set in every pece thre small table diamondes in the whole xxxvj diamondes/ and in euery of thother xij peces of golde is set thre rubyes/ in the whole xxxvij rubyes/ and betwixt every of the same peces of golde so garnesshed with diamondes and rubyes is set affeir peerle in a lynke of golde in the whole in peerlles xxiij/ There was oone loost before the charge given in custody to Mrs herbert/ or else there shulde haue been written her xxiiij peerlles

N Bristowe


f. 66v]

Yet Cheynes

Margin: pro b 

6 Item oone other Cheyne of golde conteignyng x peces of oone fasshoon wherin are x diamondes tabled and x rubyes/ and xx pillors of gold ennamuled grene blue and white with also xx peerlles betwixt every peerle one litle pece of goldesmytheswerwerck/

Margin: pro b 

7 Item oone other Cheyne of golde conteignyng xvl peces of Goldesmythesworcke of one fasshon in every twoo Rubyes in the whole in rubyes xxxijti and xvj peerlles etc betwixt euery pece one peerll

Cheynes - vij

N Bristowe


Margin: Given by the king at hamptoncourte at newe yeres tyde anno xxxijdo


8 Item oone Cheyne of Golde conteignyng x peces in euery of them ar thre small diamondes in nombre xxxti/ and x other peces in euery of them set iij rubyes in nombre xxx/ betwixt euery of them a knot of golde 

N Bristowe


f. 67]

Tablettes & bookes

1 Item oone Tablette of Golde with a border of antiques abought the same hauyng x Emeraldes and upon thonesyde thereof is an antiqueman standing in red/ amd upon thothersyde an antiqueman rydyng upon alyan hauyng also oone peerll hangyng at the same/

Margin: Taken by the kyng wholy into his owne handes mense novembris anno xxxiijo Regni sui

2 Item oone Tablet of Gold ennamuled/ upon thonesyde whereof is Seint George on horsebacke with vij diamondes and iiij rock rubyes/ and on thodersyde v persones with affeyer Table diamond and a rubye/ hauyng a Cheyne of golde to hange the same by conteignyng viij peces of goldesmyth eswerke ennamuled blacke and white with xij diamondes and xij rubyes upon the same/ hauyng also xxxij peerlles betwixt every peerle one pece of goldesmythesworke ennamuled redd

Margin: Taken by the kyng in to his owne handes mense novembris anno xxxiijo Regni sui

3 Item oone Tablet of Golde thonesyde ennamuled blacke with H.R./ and thotherside is grauen upon pomaunder/

Margin: [Ta]ken by the kyng in to his owne handes mense novembris anno xxxiijo Regni sui

4 Item oone Tablet of Golde wherin is a Clocke upon thoneside whereof ar naked men and beastes with a ffeir rock ruby and xiiij small diamondes one is alreddy lost before the charge and on the thothersyde is viij persones/ thre diamondes/ and vij rubyes/

Margin: The same pomaunder geven by the quene to the lady Mary the kinges doughter at pomfrett reseruyng the cheyne with her grace still

5 Item oone pomaunder of golde wherin is a Clocke/ ennamuled with diuers collors/ garnesshed with xij small rubyes/ hauyng a cheyne of golde hanging at it conteignyng viij peces of golde of one fasshon ennamuled black garnesshed with xvj small rubyes & xvj small Turquezes/ xxiiij small peces of golde/ and xxxij peerles in lynckes of golde in the same Cheyne

N Bristowe


f. 67v]

Bookes & purses

Margin: Taken by the king in to his owne handes mense novembris anno xxxiijo Regni sui

6 Item oone Booke of golde ennamuled wherin is a Clock upon euery syde of which booke is thre diamonds alitle man standyng upon oone of them/ ffoure Turquezes and thre Rubyes with alitle cheyne of golde hanging at it ennamuled blewe/

7 Item oone Booke of golde ennamuled with blacke garnesshed with xxvij rubyes hauyng also acheyne of Golde and perle to hange at by conteignyng xliij peerlles/

8 Item oone other Booke ennamuled with grene white & blewe hauyng afeir Sapher on euery syde and viij rubyes upon the same booke/

9 Item oone Booke of golde ennamuled with blacke white and red/ and garnesshed with viij small rubyes hauyng H.I. ennamuled with blacke the backe of the booke being glasse/

Margin: The same purse taken by the kyng in to his owne handes mense novembris anno xxxiijo regnis sui

10 Item oone purse of Golde ennamuled red conteignyng vij diamondes set in goldesmythes werke with also henges and button of wyer golde/

11 Item oone other purse of golde lykewyse ennamuled with also viij diamondes lykewys set/ and with henges and buttons of wyer golde/

N Bristowe


f. 68]

12 Item one Tablet of Golde on thonesyde thereof conteigneth the passon of our Lorde/ and on thothersyde the resurrection both being of white agathe conteigning upon the same xxiiij rubyes and two diamondes with thre peerlles hanging in a cluster/ and one litle rubye amongst the said peerlles

13 Item one Tablet of Golde on thonesyde thereof is set a litle Roose of diamondes being vj small diamondes/ with h.k. of diamondes being xiij diamondes in them bothe and an E of diamondes being v diamondes/ and on thothersyde one greate Table diamonde with ij lettres in the ffoyle/ and iiij other diamondes in the same with certeyn persones/

Given by the king at hamptoncourte at newe yeres tyde anno regni domini Regis xxxijdo

14 Item one Tablet of Golde conteignyng on thonesyde a goodly diamonde lozenged with divers other small rubyes and diamondes two naked boyes and a litle boy with a crosse in his hand and divers other persones one with a sawe/ and scripture under the said diamonde/ and on thothersyde a ffeyer Ballas and the pycture of the busshopp of Rome comyng awey lamentyng/ and divers other persones one settyng his sole upon the busshop ouerthowen

N Bristowe


Margin: Geven by the king at Westminster mense martij anno xxxijdo

15 Item one booke of golde conteignyng xij diamondes and xl Rubyes

N Bristowe

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