New Titians galore
September 27 2013

Pictures: National Gallery, top, and The Burlington Magazine, bottom
Exciting news in the new edition of The Burlington Magazine: not one but two new Titian attributions. First, Jill Dunkerton (a conservator at the National Gallery, London) is writing an article on the NG's 'Concert', which she says is by Titian. Jill has been cleaning the work, and when it was de-lined it was found to have Charles I's brand on the back. When Charles owned it, it was called Titian. For what it is worth, I gave my cautious view on the pre-cleaned painting from an online photograph back in January here. Tediously, the NG website still lists the painting as 'imitator of Titian', and with the pre-cleaned photograph (above).
The second new Titian (published by Artur Rosenauer), can be seen on the magazine's front cover, and is thought to be an unknown early work called 'The Risen Christ' (below). It looks, from the photo, entirely right as an early Titian. I can't tell you any more, because the magazine has yet to land on my desk. Of course, being The Burlington, none of this is freely available online, but the magazine will be well worth buying at £19.50.
Update - apparently the Risen Christ is in a private collection in Uruguay. That country's first Titian?