Cranach's role in the Reformation
October 31 2016

Picture: Apollo
On this day in 1517, Martin Luther nailed his famous Theses on the door of his local church. In Apollo Magazine, Andrew Pettegree has an excellent article looking at how the art of Lucas Cranach the Elder helped spread Luther's ideas:
Here we need to be aware of two great, but comparatively understudied innovations emerging from Cranach’s workshop. The first was the transformation of the woodcut from a relatively undervalued medium of artistic expression, to a powerful tool of evangelism. The second was the development of a model of cultural industrialisation that enabled images to be produced on a sufficiently large scale to serve a movement of ideas growing at a quite remarkable rate between 1517 and 1525. It was during these years that Cranach created the images that defined the new movement, and organised their production in industrial quantities. It was an extraordinary act of cultural innovation: all the more so given it was accomplished in a place, Wittenberg, that up to this point had hardly registered on the cultural atlas of the Holy Roman Empire.