Home-made art - #ArtInIsolation
April 3 2020
Picture: Getty Museum
Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz
Despite the current crisis that faces the world, these troubling times have not managed to quash the creative and comedic ingenuity amongst lovers of art. Several challenges have been put forward to recreate scenes from famous paintings and artworks with whatever means you have available at home. Both the Getty Museum (@GettyMuseum) and an Instagram account @tussenkunstenquarantaine (who have no less than 121k followers) have been regularly posting examples of these homemade recreations.
Here are a few of our favourite reinterpretations;
@17centurygirl - & friends recreating a Caravaggio.
@sandrineatmospheriste - channelling a Petrus Christus.
@Saschaloske – reinterpreting a Whistler (with authentic frame).
@_saar_W – restaging a serene Raphael.
Here at AHN we are still pondering what to do. By the standard so far, it's going to have to be good...