Art history in the age of Covid
April 3 2020
Picture: via Pixabay.
Hell everyone! It's been a while since I've tended to the blog. Life rather overtook me, and I increasingly found I didn't have the time. But now of course many of us find that we have more time on our hands than we know what to do with. And so I thought it was time to bring the blog back.
This time, to help things tick along, I will be ably assisted by my friend and fellow art historian, Adam Busiakiewicz. Stories posted by Adam will have his name at the top of each post.
But the most important thing to say is that I hope you - dear AHNers - are all well and keeping as safe as you can. I have missed our blogging acquaintances. For all of us, our daily lives are now radically different, and over the coming weeks, Adam and I hope to keep you informed and amused with any art historical stories that are around. But we also want to hear your stories; what you're up to, and how you're coping. Are you a curator missing your collection? Are you an art historian missing access to a library? Are you a security guard all alone in a museum? Are you an art lover who's missing your weekly wander around your local gallery? Please let us know.
In the meantime, best wishes to you all, and stay safe.