Free Conference: John Michael Wright | New Perspectives and Directions

September 28 2023

Image of Free Conference: John Michael Wright | New Perspectives and Directions


Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:

The National Galleries of Scotland are hosting a conference on the seventeenth-century artist John Michael Wright (1617–1694). This free conference will be held in Edinburgh on Thursday 26th October 2023. Booking through the website is essential to secure a place.

A list of the presentations and panels:

Panel 1 - Beginnings: Influences and Environments

David AHB Taylor (Independent): Pictor Scotus: John Michael Wright and Scotland

Molly Ingham (University of Edinburgh): Covert Catholicism: John Michael Wright and the British Catholic Experience

Maria Hayward (University of Southampton): ‘elegant and richly dressed’: Exploring Fashion and Fabrics in the Female portraiture of John Michael Wright

Panel 2 - Identity: Selfhood and Society

Kate Anderson (National Galleries of Scotland): ‘Nothing can repair my loss’: Death, Mourning and Memorialisation in the Portraits of John Michael Wright PAUL MELLON CENTRE for Studies in British Art

Karen Hearn (University College London): ‘I could not hinder my self from making it curious and full of variety…’: John Michael Wright’s Portraits of the Bagot Family, 1675-6

Matthew Augustine (University of St Andrews) and Steven Zwicker (Washington University in St Louis): Patrons, Portraits and the Fashioning of Identity: John Michael Wright beyond the Restoration Court

Panel 3 - Practice: Approaches and Associations

Helen Pearce (University of Aberdeen): John Michael Wright: Prints and Proof(s)?

James Loxley (University of Edinburgh): The Literary Connections of John Michael Wright

Catriona Murray (University of Edinburgh): Childish Things: Children and Material Culture in the Work of John Michael Wright

Panel 4 - Endings: Reception and Relationships

Carol Richardson (University of Edinburgh): Courtier, Designer and Propagandist: John Michael Wright and the 1687 Embassy to Rome

Adam Morton (Newcastle University): Promoting Religion by Means of Arts? Anti-Catholicism, Catholic Culture and John Michael Wright

Jane Eade (National Trust): The Artist and his Nephew: New Evidence from Sale Inventories 

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